So, today is Valentine's Day and I am alone (meaning no husband, I've always got the kids!), but the last thing that I am is lonely or sad. I am feeling full of love today, so I thought that I would blurt it all over my blog. Got protective eyewear? You might want to put it on! =)
I love...
1. Doug. Lots. He has been a rock star this last week. He has filled my heart to overflowing. I am amazed at how much we still love each other after all of the stuff that we have been through (i.e. babies and shoe/purse addictions!).
2. My Mom and Dad. They are amazing. I am eternally grateful to them for all of the things that they have done and continue to do for me. Plus, they crack me up, which definitely elevates your status on my love list!
3. My kiddies. Kinsey and Ben. Adorable, precious, brilliant, hilarious. How did I get so lucky to get these two kids? Jackpot!
4. Chrissy. Best friend EVER! She is going through a hard time right now, and I would do anything for her. How on earth she has stayed friends with me for 20 years is beyond me. You would think that the enormous 1992 hair would have scared her off!
5. All of my crazy family members. From my brother in Michigan to the in-laws in Indiana. I have a beautiful family--and I really love them all! That NEVER happens!
(Here is where it gets random...)
6. My crock pot! I have a strange affection for it. Without it, my dear husband would have gone hungry many a night!
7. Gymboree! Great sales, adorable clothes! They had me at hello!
8. SpongeBob! While I don't necessarily love HIM, I love that Kinsey loves him and it gives me the occasional break. (Do you think that it is on right now? Hmmmmmm....)
9. Shoe sales! I may or may not have ordered a couple of beauties this weekend.
10. Coach purses! While my purchases are few and far between, I love them dearly!
11. My neighborhood! I went out for dinner last night with some friends and they are so nice. I am very lucky to get to live in this particular house, in this particular neighborhood. Once again--jackpot!
12. My boot camp class! It's friggin' early, but it keeps me sane!
13. Reality tv! I don't care which show, I love them all! (But, Survivor has a special place in my heart. And the fact that I am going to kick Chrissy's booty in fantasy Survivor is even better!)
14. Colorado weather! Where else can you go outside without a coat in 30 degree weather? Very few places, my friend!
Ok, obviously I could go on and on, but I will spare you. I just want you to know that I am feeling great today, so let's see how long THAT lasts. (I would put my money on 24 hours or less!!!!)